A downloadable game



This game takes inspiration from cup games like Cup Pong and Bobsled. Rather than having two triangles set up on either side of a table, Lines requires two lines of six cups, each on the same side of a table. The cups are arranged vertically along each edge of the table. Two players stand opposite the cups, each with two ping pong balls. Each player also receives a standard six-sided die, each number representing point value. Once the time for the game begins, each player must roll their die and aim for any of the cups in their line. If they make their shot, the cup is removed and they receive however many points the roll indicates. If they miss a shot, they must roll again. If a player misses more than five shots in a row, a cup is removed and no points are awarded. Once all the cups are gone from each players’ line, the points are tallied and the person with the most points wins.


  1. Two players, each with a die, a ping pong ball, and six cups filled a quarter with water, place their cups in a single file line on the left and right sides of the far end of a table.
  2. When the game is set up, the two players begin the game by rolling their die.
  3. Whatever number appears on the die is how many points that shot will be worth. 
  4. If a player shoots and makes it, they take the cup off the table, and receive the points for the roll. 
  5. If a player misses, they must retrieve their ball, roll the die, and try to shoot again.
  6. If a player misses more than five shots in a row, a cup is taken off the table, and they receive no points for it.
  7. If a player shoots and their ball bounces off of one cup and into another, both cups are taken off and the player receives double the amount rolled. 
  8. Each player receives 1 re-roll where if a player is unhappy with their initial number, they may cancel their shot and roll the die again. 
  9. If a player's shot lands in the other person’s line, the other player receives the points for the roll, and their cup is removed.
  10. Once both players have gotten all their cups off the table, whoever has the most points, wins the game.

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